Naif estiloa dut gustuko, eta halakoxeak dira nire ilustrazioak. Gertuko lan-giroan aritzea eskertzen dut, eskaeren eta ideien joan-etorria profesionala eta eraginkorra helburu.
Esku artean duzun proiektuan gustura arituko naiz. Entzuteko gogo biziz naukazu!
I am an illustrator located in the Basque Country with a very careful naive style. I like to work side by side, creating a pleasant professional atmosphere and good vibes.
If you think that I can improve your project do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to listen to you and be part of your project.
Naif estiloa dut gustuko, eta halakoxeak dira nire ilustrazioak. Gertuko lan-giroan aritzea eskertzen dut, eskaeren eta ideien joan-etorria profesionala eta eraginkorra helburu.
Esku artean duzun proiektuan gustura arituko naiz. Entzuteko gogo biziz naukazu!
I am an illustrator located in the Basque Country with a very careful naive style. I like to work side by side, creating a pleasant professional atmosphere and good vibes.
If you think that I can improve your project do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to listen to you and be part of your project.
Naif estiloa dut gustuko, eta halakoxeak dira nire ilustrazioak. Gertuko lan-giroan aritzea eskertzen dut, eskaeren eta ideien joan-etorria profesionala eta eraginkorra helburu.
Esku artean duzun proiektuan gustura arituko naiz. Entzuteko gogo biziz naukazu!
I am an illustrator located in the Basque Country with a very careful naive style. I like to work side by side, creating a pleasant professional atmosphere and good vibes.
If you think that I can improve your project do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to listen to you and be part of your project.